ALISON KLEIN worked in banking for 14 years in Michigan in various supervisory positions for several back office departments. This background gives Alison a solid understanding of both federal and state regulatory procedures and how to work within government rules and regulations.
In 1990, Alison moved to Phoenix, Arizona to help with her elderly parents and relatives. There she worked for the Arizona department of Insurance in the Corporate and Financial Division.
After working for the State of Arizona, Alison took a position with a major home builder to work in their title insurance department, which offered her a unique opportunity to gain experience in another facet of the insurance industry.
Alison joined Insurance Compliance Center in 2006.
COLLEEN PAIGE DENEAU has been involved in the insurance industry since 1987. She began her career at a large insurance company as an agent and spent 15 years in that role as well as that of P/C Support Staff. She then went on to work for a cosmetic/family dental office for eight years.
In that role, she scheduled reluctant patients for their cleanings and made them feel comfortable in the office. Colleen later returned to the same insurance company and got her license in Property and Casualty, a post she held until the office closed.
Colleen and Alison have been friends for more than 30 years and have united in this venture to offer fantastic support and service to the clients at Insurance Compliance Center. Colleen has been licensed two different times and knows the ins and outs of CE credits and deadlines, and is ready to help you and your company so you can go about the business of helping your clients.